Metadata Submitter Backend



  • Python 3.8+
  • MongoDB

Environment Setup

The application requires some environmental arguments in order to run properly, these are illustrated in the table below.

ENV Default Description Mandatory
MONGO_HOST localhost:27017 MongoDB server hostname, with port specified if needed. Yes
MONGO_AUTHDB - MongoDB authentication database. Yes
MONGO_DATABASE default MongoDB default database, will be used as authentication database if MONGO_AUTHDB is not set. No
MONGO_USERNAME admin Admin username for MongoDB. Yes
MONGO_PASSWORD admin Admin password for MongoDB. Yes
MONGO_SSL - Set to True to enable MongoDB TLS connection url. No
MONGO_SSL_CA - Path to CA file, required if MONGO_SSL enabled. No
MONGO_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_KEY - Path to contains client’s TLS/SSL X.509 combined cert and key, required if MONGO_SSL enabled. No
AAI_CLIENT_SECRET public` OIDC client secret. Yes
AAI_CLIENT_ID secret OIDC client ID. Yes
BASE_URL http://localhost:5430 base URL of the metadata submitter. Yes
AUTH_METHOD code OIDC Authentication method to use. No
OIDC_URL - OIDC URL base URL, MUST resolve to configuration endpoint when appended with /.well-known/openid-configuration Yes
OIDC_SCOPE openid profile email Claims to request from AAI No
REDIRECT_URL - Required only for testing with front-end on localhost or change to http://frontend:3000 if started using docker-compose (see Build and Deployment). No
LOG_LEVEL INFO Set logging level, uppercase. No
SERVE_KEY - Keyfile used for TLS. No
SERVE_CERT - Certificate used for TLS. No
SERVE_CA - CA file used for TLS. No
SERVE_SLLVERSION - Version used for TLS, see the gunicorn documentation for ssl_version for more information. No
SERVE_CIPHERS - Ciphers used for TLS, see the gunicorn documentation for ciphers for more information. No
SERVE_CERTREQS - Client certificate requirement used for TLS, see the gunicorn documentation for cert_reqs for more information. No


If just MONGO_DATABASE is specified it will authenticate the user against it. If just MONGO_AUTHDB is specified it will authenticate the user against it. If both MONGO_DATABASE and MONGO_AUTHDB are specified, the client will attempt to authenticate the specified user to the MONGO_AUTHDB database. If both MONGO_DATABASE and MONGO_AUTHDB are unspecified, the client will attempt to authenticate the specified user to the admin database.

Install and run

For installing metadata-submitter backend do the following:

$ git clone
$ pip install .


Before running the application have MongoDB running.

MongoDB Server expects to find MongoDB instance running, specified with following environmental variables:

  • MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME (username for admin user to mongodb instance)
  • MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD (password for admin user to mongodb instance)
  • MONGO_HOST (host and port for MongoDB instance, e.g. localhost:27017)

To run the backend from command line set the environment variables required and use:

$ metadata_submitter


For a setup that requires also frontend follow the instructions in Build and Deployment.


The Authentication follows the OIDC Specification.

We follow the steps of the OpenID Connect protocol.

  • The RP (Client) sends a request to the OpenID Provider (OP), for this we require AAI_CLIENT_SECRET, AAI_CLIENT_ID, OIDC_URL and a callback url constructed from BASE_URL.
  • The OP authenticates the End-User and obtains authorization.
  • The OP responds with an ID Token and usually an Access Token, which are validated with configuration provided by OIDC_URL.
  • The RP can send a request with the Access Token to the UserInfo Endpoint.
  • The UserInfo Endpoint returns Claims about the End-User, use claims sub, CSCUserName or remoteUserIdentifier to identify the user and start a session.

Information related to the OpenID Provider (OP) that needs to be configured is displayed in the table below. Most of the information can be retrieved from OIDC Provider metadata endpoint https://<provider_url>/.well-known/openid-configuration.

ENV Default Description Mandatory
AAI_CLIENT_SECRET public` OIDC client secret. Yes
AAI_CLIENT_ID secret OIDC client ID. Yes
BASE_URL http://localhost:5430 base URL of the metadata submitter. Yes
AUTH_METHOD code OIDC Authentication method to use. No
OIDC_URL - OIDC URL base URL, MUST resolve to configuration endpoint when appended with /.well-known/openid-configuration Yes
OIDC_SCOPE openid profile email Claims to request from AAI No


View metadata submitter API in swagger editor.

The REST API is structured as follows:

  • Submission Endpoints used in submitting data, mostly POST endpoints;
  • Query Endpoints used for data retrieval (folders, objects, users) uses HTTP GET;
  • Management Endpoints used for handling data updates and deletion, makes use of HTTP PUT, PATCH and DELETE.


A logged in user can only perform operations on the data it has associated. The information for the current user can be retrieved at /users/current (the user ID is current), and any additional operations on other users are rejected.

Metadata Backend Modules

Backend for submitting and validating XML Files containing ENA metadata.

metadata_backend.api API endpoints and other api-related classes.
metadata_backend.conf App configurations.
metadata_backend.database Database services, initialisation and other tools.
metadata_backend.helpers Helper tools, such as app configurations, logging and data validators.
metadata_backend.server Functions to launch backend server.

Metadata Backend API

API endpoints and other api-related classes.

metadata_backend.api.auth Handle Access for request and OIDC workflow.
metadata_backend.api.handlers API handlers. Handle health check endpoint.
metadata_backend.api.middlewares Middleware methods for server.
metadata_backend.api.operators Operators for handling database-related operations.

Database Operations

Database services, initialisation and other tools.

metadata_backend.database.db_service Services that handle database connections.

Utility Functions

Helper tools, such as app configurations, logging and data validators.

metadata_backend.helpers.logger Logging formatting and functions for debugging.
metadata_backend.helpers.parser Tool to parse XML and CSV files to JSON.
metadata_backend.helpers.schema_loader Utility class to find XSD Schema that can be used to test XML files.
metadata_backend.helpers.validator Utility classes for validating XML or JSON files.


App configurations.

metadata_backend.conf.conf Python-based app configurations.


Functions to launch backend server.

metadata_backend.server.init() → aiohttp.web_app.Application[source]

Initialise server and setup routes.

Routes should be setup by adding similar paths one after the another. (i.e. POST and GET for same path grouped together). Handler method names should be used for route names, so they’re easy to use in other parts of the application.


if using variable resources (such as {schema}), add specific ones on top of more generic ones.

metadata_backend.server.kill_sess_on_shutdown(app: aiohttp.web_app.Application) → None[source]

Kill all open sessions and purge their data when killed.

metadata_backend.server.main() → None[source]

Launch the server.

metadata_backend.server.startup(server: aiohttp.web_app.Application) → None[source]

Add startup web server state configuration.